This post originally appeared on the GlitzParty Cosplay tumblr in 2012. It has been preserved for posterity to aid other cosplayers here!
Anonymous asked: OMG where did you get that awesome Vulpes hat
i made it, actually!
i’ve had this question come up a few times lately so i guess i should address it. lately being at the con, mostly. if you heard from a young lady wearing it that she bought it in the dealer’s room, you probably also believe she works for NASA, so disregard the rest of this post and go about your business.
firstly, i am not the vulpes inculta cosplayer. i am the arcade gannon cosplayer. glitzkrieg is the vulpes.
secondly, the hood was made from scratch from an actual coyote pelt. we bought it pre-tanned and sliced it up for hood-making.
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